THE ARCADE MACHINE - JAVA ARCADE Welcome to The Arcade Machine Java Arcade section. Here you will find a growing collection of hand-selected Java games that you can play right in your browser. The Java Arcade presents the games in 6 categories as described below. To procede to the games menu, use the game category selection bar above. ACTION GAMES are usually fast-paced and require quick response with the controls. Good hand-eye coordination is a must if you intend to do well. Be warned - it isn't hard to destroy your keyboard or mouse when playing an action game. STRATEGY GAMES, as the name implies, require you to think before you make a move. You can say that to do well at a strategy game you should think more and shoot less. Sometimes strategy games take a long time to complete. CASINO GAMES include card games, slots, and other games that would normally be played at a casino or when gambling. PUZZLE GAMES are games you solve. Puzzle games can be described as a unique form of strategy games. WORD GAMES make the exclusive use of words. To succeed at a word game well developed language skills are a definite plus. MULTI MEDIA GAMES section of The Arcade Machine does not contain games but fun things that you can do when you are bored and have some time to kill. Check it out, you may find something that you like. |